International relationships

In mathematics, "relations" are fundamental, equivalence relations, order relations, for example. International relations for our Institute are also fundamental, in an increasingly globalized world it is essential to continue to exchange ideas, knowledge, experiences, it is fundamental to encourage and support international exchanges, of researchers, teachers and especially students.

At the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse we are developing and we wish to develop even further many international collaborations and cooperations. We support impulsing and coordinating networks of excellence, for helping the construction of new teachning programs in higher education and training researchers from emerging countries.

The Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse is involved in many partnerships with international research structures;

  • International Reseach Laboratories (IRL),

  • International Research Networks (IRN),

  • International Emerging Actions (IEA)

are tools that allow us to formalize and structure existing scientific cooperations between one (or several) French research teams and European or international researchers.

The HAL archive offers an interactive map which lists the publications resulting from international collaborations of IMT members.

Check it out! Math in France, an institutional website dedicated to the international mathematical community. Browse through the mathematical opportunities France offers to foster collaborations. Get an overview of the structuring of mathematical research in France and find out how to get in touch with the French mathematical community.
Math in France was created under the supervision of the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions ( INSMI ).

Contact International Relationships IMT:


Email: carrillo at