At the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, the topics that share an interest with physics are transversal to different teams. Topics at the interface with quantum mechanics are particularly present, be it topological quantum field theory, semi-classical analysis (scattering theory, quantum chaos, spectral theory), analytical and numerical aspects of partial differential equations (Schrödinger [linear, nonlinear, decoherence], Gross-Pitaievski, etc.), quantum information (typical properties of states and channels, random matrices and tensors, etc. ), quantum information (typical properties of states and channels, random matrices and tensors, free probabilities), and quantum open systems (quantum stochastic thermodynamics, quantum trajectories, operator algebras).
Statistical physics topics are also represented, including fluid mechanics equations (Euler, Navier-Stokes), Langevin equations, and integrable models (SEP, percolation, etc.).