My new website!

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in quantum information theory at the University of Ottawa, working under the supervision of Anne Broadbent (team website).
I obtained my PhD in mathematics from the Unitersité Toulouse Paul sabatier at the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse under the co-supervision of Clément Pellegrini and Ion Nechita (team website).
I previously obtained a Bachelor's and Master's degrees in theoretical computer science at the ENS de Lyon.

My area of research is quantum information theory. Recent areas of study are quantum entanglement, non-locality and representation theory with applications to quantum information.



PhD thesis
[pdf] Asymmetric cloning in quantum information theory [2020-2023]

Since starting my PhD at the Paul Sabatier University I have taught maths and computer science courses for the deparments.

denis.rochette @ uottawa • ca
University of Ottawa
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
STEM Complex, room 626
150 Louis-Pasteur Pvt, Ottawa
ON, Canada K1N 6N5