2004-2007 : Imagerie Médicale par Elastographieproject poster
OTOP 2005-2008 :

Optimisation topologique d’équipement de télécommunication ANR-05-RNRT-0009,

project detailsproject poster (1),  project poster(2)project poster(2) in ppt, Patents obtained: EP0660436-A1FR2935548-A1, Publications

OMD 2006-2009 :

Optimosation Multi-Disciplinaire ANR-05-RNTL-0009,

Project report (In French) 

MDCA/ADDISA 2007-2010 :

 Assimilation de Données Distribuées et Images Satellite ANR-06-MDCA-0001,

Project details

SYSCOM/PEDIGREE, 2009-2012 :

  PEDestrIan GRoups : Étude de l'Émergence de comportements collectifs ANR-08-SYSC-0015,

Project details,  publications


IOnospheric DIsturbanceS and SatEllite-to-Earth communications,

Project details


Adaptation au Changement CLIMatique de l’Agglomération Toulousaine,

Project details, project poster

RTRA/STAE/OSYCAF, 2010-2012 :

Optimisation d'un système couplé fluide-structure représentant une aile flexible,

Project details, project poster

FRAE/MEMORIA,  2011-2013 :

MEta-Modèles et Optimisation Robuste avec Incertitudes en Aérodynamique,

Project details

  1. France Telecom R & D
    • 1999-2000: Tools for global optimization and fault diagnosis of antennas.
    • 2000-2001: Diagnosis of antennas and support the thesis of G. Duthu.
  2. VALEO
    • 2000-2003: Shape optimization of the wind-screen for optimum performance of wiper system of the vehicle. Cifre agreement. Accompanied by the {tip: Details:: Fabien Muradore, Optimisation de forme pour l’amélioration de la qualité d’essuyage des pare-brise, defended on September 2004, funded by Cifre Valéo, (co-supervision: 50%)} thesis of F. Muradore. {/tip}
  3. Petrobras (Brazilian Pertolium Company), LNCC (Laboratoire National de Calcul Scientifique -Brazil), IFP (Institut français du pétrole)
    • 2001-2002: Estimation of shape of the oil field from production measurements. This project was carried out under France-Brazil scientific collaboration program
  4. CNES
    • 2003 : Feasibility study for utilization of satellite for distance education.
  5. AIRBUS Industries
    • 2001-2004 : Aerodynamic Shape optimization. Accompained by Cifre agreement for thesis of Mathieu Meaux.
  6. Alactel Space Industries
    • 2004: Topological optimization of planar satellite antenas. Feasibility study resulted into a project OTOP.
  7. GPC (start-up company)
    • 2005:  Optimization and control of industrial processes.
  8. ACTIS Insulation Ltd, France
    • 2005: Design of insulating materials.
  9. SNECMA Motors
    • 2004-2007: Design of reactors, Accompained by funded Ph.D. thesis of  Edith Taillefer.
  10. ONERA
    • 2004-2008: Multi-disciplinary design and optimization. 
    • 2004-2007: Detection of anti-personal mines, Accompained by funded  Ph.D thesis of Davuth I. A.
  11. Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA)
    • 2005-2007: Risk management in chemical industry accidents.
    • 2007-2012: Risk estimation in case of chemical accident, Coauthored with  Pierre Degond, project poster
  12. Dassault Aviation
    • 2007-2009: Multi-Disciplinary design of aircrafts.Accompained by Cifre agreement for PhD thesis of Ludovic Martin.
  13. ANSYSCNES, France Telecom, Thales Aerospace
    • 2005-2008: Projet ANR OTOP, Topological Optimization of telecommunication equipments. Resulted into a patent  [D10]  
  14. RenaultDassault Aviation, EADS
    • 2006-2009: Projet ANR OMD, Optimosation Multidisciplinaire.
  15. Thales Aerospace
    • 2010-2013: ANR/COSINUS/IODISSEE, Perturbations ionosphériques et communications terre-satellites.
  16. Meteo France
    • 2007-2010: Projet ANR ADDISA for assimilation of imagery data.
  17. MODARTT S. A., France
    • 2006-till date: The product Pianoteq, A modeled virtual piano, available from August 2006 is an outcome of my research group "shape optimization and optimal control".  I was involved in the foundation, research, development and valorization of research activity of MODARTT which is headed by Philippe Guillaume.
  18. ADAGOS, S. A. France
    • 2011-till date: Founder and director. This project is aimed for valorization of technique ADAGOS (Adaptive Goal Oriented Sensing).