
For any questions and remarks of general order, please send a mail to . Your mail will be copied an redirected to each member of the organizing committee. We will do our best to answer your question in the shortest amount of time.

Contacting the comittees

One chairman have been designated for each committee, any special request should be sent directly to the chairmen.

Organizing comittee : Jean-Pierre Raymond
Université Paul Sabatier
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
118 route de Narbonne
F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9
Tél : +33 5 61 55 83 15

Scientific comittee : Marius Tucsnak
Université Henri Poincaré Nancy1
Institut Élie Cartan
Departement de Mathématiques (IECN)
B.P. 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre les Nancy Cedex ,France
tel: +33 3 83 68 45 60
fax: +33 3 83 68 45 34

Contacting the IMT

You may also contact the Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse at :
Université Paul Sabatier
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
118 route de Narbonne
F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9
Tél : +33 5 61 55 67 90
Fax : +33 5 61 55 75 99

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