Control of Fluid-Structure Systems and Inverse Problems

Maps and directions

The GPS location of the Mathematics Institute (IMT) are
Latitude : 43°33'42'' N
Longitude : 1°27'57'' E

From the airport to dowtown

From Toulouse-Blagnac airport to the Jean Jaurès subway station, we advise you to take the bus called « navette aéroport Tisséo » and step out at the stop "Jean Jaurès". This bus runs every 20 minutes and the total trip takes in between 20 and 40 minutes depending on traffic density. You can download the .pdf explication of the airport bus and a list of maps of public transportations of Toulouse .

From downtown to the workshop

From Jean-Jarurès, you can take the B-line of the subway up to the station "Université Paul-Sabatier". You are in the campus of the university and the building of the Mathematics Institute (IMT) where the workshop will take place is the building 1R3 (in blue on the map, in the cell C4 ). The conference takes place in the ground floor of this building, next to its main entrance.

For convenience, the metro station Université Paul-Sabatier (A) and the IMT (B) are pin-pointed in Google maps below.

Agrandir le plan

Wednesday events

On Wednesday, we are invited in the city hall "Le Capitole" by the mayor. We printed a map of the center of Toulouse.

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