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Discrete-time Derrida-Retaux Model

The Derrida-Retaux model has first been introduced as a discrete-time process defined recursively as follows. Let \(X_0\) be a random variable, which is our initial condition. Then, for any \(n \geq 0\), we define \(X_{n+1} = \max(X_n+\overline{X}_n-1,0)\), where \(\overline{X}_n\) is an independent copy of \(X_n\).

The random variable \(X_n\) can also be defined using a binary tree of height \(n\) and attributing values to its nodes as follows. The values of the leaves are independent copies of \(X_0\). Then, we proceed toward the root in a deterministic way: any node whose children have values \(a\) and \(b\) is given the value \(\max(a+b-1,0)\). The value of the root gives \(X_n\). This procedure is illustrated on the following picture, where the initial condition \(X_0\) takes values \(0\) and \(2\).

This process exhibits a phase transition. For simplicity, assume \(X_0\) takes value \(2\) with probability \(p\) and value \(0\) otherwise. Then, the following limit exists \[F(p) = \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{\mathbb{E}[X_n]}{2^n},\] and is called the free energy of the system. Then two phases appear: \[\begin{cases}F(p) = 0 & \text{if} & p \leq p_c & \text{(subcritical phase)}, \\ F(p) > 0 & \text{if} & p > p_c & \text{(supercritical phase)},\end{cases}\] where \(p_c = 1/5\) in our particular example. In the subcritical phase (\(p \leq p_c\)), one even has \(X_n \to 0\) almost surely, which shows a drastic change of behavior. Moreover, the phase transition is of infinite order: the function \(F(p)\) is infinitely divisible at the critical point \(p_c\), see the picture below.

The precise behavior of the free energy close to criticality is \[F(p) = \exp \left( - \frac{1}{(p-p_c)^{1/2+o(1)}} \right),\qquad \text{as } p \downarrow p_c,\] as conjectured by Derrida and Retaux and proved recently by Chen, Dagard, Derrida, Hu, Lifshits and Shi for integer valued intial conditions.

The critical case \(p=p_c\) is supposed to exhibit universal behaviors. One way to understand it precisely is to study the so-called red tree, defined as follows. For some fixed \(n\), given that \(X_n>0\), we color in red paths from a leaf to the root if the operation of taking the maximum with \(0\) is never used along it. The union of these paths defines a subtree, called the red tree, see the picture below.

Below is a simulation of the red tree with \(n=200\). Starting from the root, the first branching times are of order \(n\). The number of red leaves is conjectured to be of order \(n^2\) and the red tree should converge toward a universal limit introduced for the continuous Derrida-Retaux model discussed below.

Continuous-time Derrida-Retaux Model

In a joint work with Yueyun Hu and Bastien Mallein, we introduce a continous-time version of the model and exhibit a family of exactly solvable initial conditions. This allows us to give a simple proof of the behavior of the free energy near criticality in that case. We also prove convergence in distribution of the red tree and of the rescaled number of red leaves.

Below is a simulation of the red tree with \(t=200\).