Dynamical systems and Galoisian theories


          Jean-Pierre Ramis is Emeritus Professor at Toulouse III (Université Paul Sabatier) and member of the french "Académie des sciences". His main research interests involve dynamical systems in the complex domain, discrete and continuous (integrability, multisummbalility and Galois theory for differential, difference and q-difference equations). This conference will be the occasion to follow the many ramifications of the work of Jean-Pierre Ramis but also their connections with the study of singularities, normal forms, linear and non-linear functional equations, Riemann-Hilbert problem, integrability, galoisian theories ... This manifestation will gather international experts as well as young mathematicians whose research areas are connected directly with the works of Jean-Pierre Ramis.


    Main topics : Galois theory,differential and difference algebra, Isomonodromy, Integrability, Renormalization, Stokes phenomena, special function theory