
Subshift on an infinite alphabet.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 19 (1999), no. 5, 1175-1200.
Speed of d-convergence for Markov approximations of chains with complete connections. A coupling approach.
avec Roberto Fernandez et Antonio Galves
Stochastic processes and their applications 83 (1999), no. 1, 127--138.
Speed of decay of correlations for non Holderian dynamics. A coupling approach.
avec Roberto Fernandez et Antonio Galves
Electronic Journal of Probability 4 (1999), no. 3, 19 pp. (electronic).
Non exponential law of entrance times in asymptotically rare events for intermittent maps with infinite invariant measure.
avec Roland Zweimuller.
Annales Henri Poincarré 2 (2001) 1 - 12.
Anosov Diffeomorphisms and coupling.
avec Carlangelo Liverani.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 22 (2002), no. 1, 129--152.
Expanding interval maps with intermittent-like behaviour. Physical measures and scales of time.
Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. 11 (2004), no. 2-3, 517--546.
Necessary and sufficient conditions to be an eigenvalue for linearly recurrent dynamical Cantor systems.
avec Fabien Durand et Alejandro Maass
London Journal of Mathematics 72 (2005), n°3, 799-816.
Stationary processes whose filtrations are standard.
avec Alejandro Maass, Servet Martinez et Jaime San Martin.
Annals of Probability 34 (2006), n°4, 1589-1600.
Cellular automaton sensitive to initial conditions with zero speed.
avec Pierre Tisseur
Nonlinearity 20 (2007), 1-19.
A tentative classification of bijective polygonal piecewise isometries.
avec Guillaume Poggiaspalla.
Experimental Mathematics, 16 (2007).
Rate of approximation of minimizing measures.
avec Anthony Quas.
Nonlinearity 20 (2007), 845-853.
A normal form for braids.
Journal of Knots Theory and its Ramifications, 6 (2008). 697-732.
On the invariant distribution of a one dimensional avalanche process.
avec Nicolas Fournier.
Annals of Probability, 37 (2009) n°1, 48-77. 
Eigenvalues of finite rank  Bratteli-Vershik dynamical system.
avec Fabien Durand et Alejandro Maass.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.
Persistence of wandering intervals in self-similar affine interval exchange transformations.
avec Pascal Hubert et Alejandro Maass.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Geometric models for substitutions.
avec Pierre Arnoux et Julien Bernat.
Experimental Mathematics. 
Asymptotics of one-dimensional fire forest process.
avec Nicolas Fournier.
Annals of Probability.  


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