About Me

About me

I am a Chargé de Recherche (CNRS researcher) at the University of Toulouse (IMT) since 2022. I'm mostly interested in operads, graph complexes, homotopical algebra and the way they interact with physics and algebraic topology.

I completed my PhD under the supervision of Thomas Willwacher and was an SNF Postdoc at the University Paris 13 hosted by Bruno Vallette and became a chargé de recherche in Montpellier (IMAG) in 2018.

Responsible for...


Where can you find me?

If you're in Toulouse you can usually find me in my office at the IMT (Building 1R2, office 243 ), but feel free to write me an e-mail. How to get to get here?

Outside of Toulouse

Here is where I was recently/will be. If you're in one of these places at the same time as me and want to talk, let me know.

March - Montpellier ALPE

May - Strasbourg Midterm workshop of the ANR HighAGT, Strasbourg, May 2023

June - Paris Semester program Higher Structures in Geometry and Mathematical Physics

July - Coimbra Global Portuguese Mathematicians

September - Coimbra Mini-course in summer school


I'm generally interested in algebraic approaches to geometrical and algebraic topology problems, particularly in homotopy theory using tools such as operads and graph complexes.
A random sample of keywords related to my research are homotopical algebra, moduli spaces, deformation theory, Koszul duality, deformation quantization...

Check my papers on the publications tab! An action of the framed little discs operad


  1. Commutative homotopical algebra embeds into non-commutative homotopical algebra with Dan Petersen, Daniel Robert-Nicoud and Felix Wierstra (2022) arXiv:2211.02387 [14 pages] ArXiv link.
  2. PD Operads and Explicit Partition Lie Algebras with Lukas Brantner and Joost Nuiten (2021)
    arXiv:2103.03870 [91 pages] ArXiv link.
  3. Lie algebroids are curved Lie algebras with Damien Calaque and Joost Nuiten (2021)
    arXiv:2103.10728 [62 pages] ArXiv link.
  4. Differential forms on smooth operadic algebras with Pedro Tamaroff (2020)
    arXiv:2010.08815 [36 pages] ArXiv link.
  5. Configuration Spaces of Surfaces with Najib Idrissi and Thomas Willwacher (2019)
    arXiv:1911.12281 [50 pages] ArXiv link.
  6. A model for framed configuration spaces of points with Julien Ducoulombier, Najib Idrissi and Thomas Willwacher (2018)
    arXiv:1807.08319 [27 pages] ArXiv link.
  7. Configuration Spaces of Manifolds with Boundary with Najib Idrissi, Pascal Lambrechts and Thomas Willwacher (2018)
    arXiv:1802.00716v1 [107 pages] ArXiv link.

  8. Lie, associative and commutative quasi-isomorphism with Dan Petersen, Daniel Robert-Nicoud and Felix Wierstra (2019)
    To appear in Acta Mathematica [36 pages] ArXiv link.
  9. A model for configuration spaces of points with Thomas Willwacher (2022)
    To appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topology [77 pages]. ArXiv link

  10. Moduli problems for operadic algebras with Damien Calaque and Joost Nuiten (2019)
    Journal of the London Mathematical Society [95 pages] ArXiv link.
  11. Boardman-Vogt resolutions and bar/cobar constructions of (co)operadic (co)bimodules with Julien Ducoulombier and Najib Idrissi (2021)
    Structures 5(1): 293-366, 2021. [74 pages] ArXiv link.
  12. Configuration spaces of points - A short survey (2020)
    CIM Bulletin 42: 41–47, 2021. [7 pages].
  13. Homotopy equivalence of shifted cotangent bundles (2018)
    Journal of Lie Theory 29 (2019), No. 3, 629–646. [18 pages] ArXiv link
  14. Gravity Formality with Benjamin C. Ward (2017)
    Advances in Mathematics 331 (2018), 439–483. [33 pages]. ArXiv link

  15. BV Formality (2015)
    Advances in Mathematics 306 (2017), 807–851. [45 pages]. ArXiv link

  16. Operadic Torsors with Thomas Willwacher (2014)
    Journal of Algebra 458 (2016), 71–86 [16 pages]. ArXiv link

  17. The Frobenius properad is Koszul with Sergei Merkulov and Thomas Willwacher (2014)
    Duke Math. J. 165, (2016) no. 15, 2921–2989. [69 pages].ArXiv link

My papers can be found on the arXiv, even though the published versions might be a bit improved.

Feedback is always extremely welcome!


Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT)
Université Paul Sabatier
118 route de Narbonne F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
Batiment 1R2, Bureau 243
ricardo.camposPlease, don't send me any spam!math.univ-toulouse.fr