Workshop on
Cantor bouquets in hedgehogs and transcendental iteration
june 16th-19th 2009

Sponsored by At the Boundary of Chaos, a grant of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche.

Short description: The theme of this meeting is the occurence of Cantor bouquets in one dimensional dynamical systems, in particular in the case of transcendental iteration and hedgehogs, and related topics like Siegel disks, continuum theory, renormalization, etc...
Invited speakers: K. Biswas, R.L. Devaney, N. Fagella, J. Kotus, H. Mihaljevic-Brandt, L. Oversteegen, R. Pérez Marco, M. Shishikura, S. Zakeri
Organising committee: A. Chéritat
Scientific committee: X. Buff, C.L. Petersen

Dates: from tuesday june 16th (morning) to friday june 19th, 2009 (afternoon).
Place: Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (Website) (Directions)
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Amphithéatre Schwarz, building 1R3.
NOTICE: on tuesday morning, it will be in room Pellos (203-207) in building 1R2.

Coming to Toulouse: Air France, Easy Jet | Airport shuttle | SNCF (train) | Driving directions
Getting to the campus: Campus map | Subway | Venue: Amphi Schwartz, building 1R3 (5 minute walk from subway station)
List of downtown hotels, restaurants | Coffee and lunch instructions provided by the organizers.