Vie^.t Ha'n Gia?i nghia~ Vi' du. / Ghi chu'
ga^'c jujube tree, thorny brambles; urgent ga^'p
ga^'m brocade, tapestry
gan liver can; gan vie^m (vie^m gan - hepatitis) 肝炎
ga^n tendons muscles 筋肉, neuritis 筋炎, ga^n co^'t 筋骨 (a person's physique)
gang steel
gia family gia ca^`m 家禽, gia ddi`nh 家庭, gia  nha^n 家人, gia pha? 家譜, gia su'c 家畜
gia furniture gia cu. 傢俱 (furniture, co`n vie^'t la` 家具), 傢伙 (furniture, utensils; a fellow)
gia increase, add gia co^ng 加工, gia na~ dda.i (canada) 加拿大, gia nha^.p 加入, gia to^'c 加速
gia' price, value gia' ca? 價格, gia' tri. 價值
gia' sprout
gia' frame, a stand; structure; to lay on a frame co^'t gia' 骨架 (a framework), y gia' 衣架 (clothing stand), bookcase 書架, an airplane 一架飛機
gia' to marry a man xua^'t gia' 出嫁, bu+'c gia' 逼嫁 (compel a girl to marry)
gia? falshood; holiday; borrow; make use of gia? ddi.nh 假定, gia? su+? 假使, gia? thuye^'t 假說, gia? pha^n so^' 假分數 (maths: an improper fraction), gia? ma.o 假冒, gia? trang 假裝
gia'c horn/angle go'c
gia'c be conscious; wake up from sleep gia'c ngo^. 覺悟, tu+. gia'c 自覺, ca?m gia'c 感覺, tru+.c gia'c 直覺
giai all, everybody
giai stairs, steps; rank, degree giai ca^'p 階級, giai ddoa.n 階段
gia?i untie; solve; explain; gia?i dda'p 解答, gia?i kha't 解渴, gia?i ma~ 解碼, gia?i pha^~u ho.c 解剖學, gia?i pho'ng qua^n 解放軍, gia?i quye^'t 解決, gia?i ta'n 解散, gia?i thi'ch 解釋, gia?i thoa't 解脫, gia?i tru+` 解除
gia'm supervise gia'm ddo^'c 監督, gia'm thi. 監視
gia?m decrease, diminish substraction 減法, gia?m to^.i 減罪
gian difficult gian kho^? 艱苦, gian nan 艱難
gian adultery; traitor gian tra' 奸詐, gian tha^`n 奸臣, gian da^m 奸淫, no^.i gian 內奸 (informer)
gian adultery; wicked
gia'n gian; gia'n ddie^.p 間諜 (spy), gia'n tie^'p 間接 (indirect), the^' gian 世間, nha^n gian 人間, gia'n ddoa.n 間斷
gia'n spy
gia?n simple gia?n di. 簡易, gia?n ddo+n 簡單, gia?n lu+o+.c 簡略
giang river giang so+n 江山
gia'ng gia'ng the^' 降世
gia?ng explain/speak gia?ng dda.o 講道, gia?ng gia?i 講解
giao intersect, exchange, mix giao ca^'u 交媾, giao 交易, giao die^.n 交面, giao hoa'n 交換, giao hu+o+?ng 交響, giao lu+u 交流, giao pho^'i 交配, giao tho^ng 交通, giao tie^'p 交接
giao vu`ng ngoa.i o^ giao du [excursion] 郊遊
giao to hand over, deliver giao na.p 繳納 (to pay taxes, fees)
gia'o teach; religion gia'o du.c 教育, gia'o hoa`ng 教皇, gia'o khoa 教科, gia'o pha'i 教派, gia'o vie^n 教員
gia'o a long spear, lance
gia'p 1st heavenly stem, mail-coat, armor 甲蟲 (beetle)
gio+'i boundary, limit; society gio+'i ha.n 界限
gio+'i harbinger, herald; sea shell; to wear armor gio+'i thie^.u 介紹
gio+'i weapons; implements, instrument qua^n gio+'i 軍械, co+ gio+'i 機械
gio+'i guard against; abstain from gio+'i nghie^m 戒嚴