
  1. A note on nilpotent subgroups of automorphism groups of RAAGs.
    Joint work with A. Genevois.
    Preprint 2016. (Just a short note, not intended for journal publication.) [Download PDF]

  2. On the geometry of graphs associated to infinite-type surfaces.
    Joint work with F. Valdez
    Preprint 2016, preliminary version. [Download PDF]

  3. Combinatorial superrigidity for graphs associated to surfaces.
    (Article for the proceedings of a RIMS Workshop.)
    Preprint 2015 [Download PDF]

  4. Arc and curve graphs for infinite-type surfaces.
    Joint work with A. Fossas and H. Parlier
    Preprint 2015. [Download PDF]

  5. Geometric dimension of lattices in classical simple Lie groups.
    Joint work with D. Degrijse, C. Martínez-Pérez and J. Souto.
    Accepted in Journal of Topology [Download PDF]

  6. Exhausting curve complexes by finite rigid sets.
    Joint work with C. Leininger.
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics 282 (2016). [Download PDF]

  7. On the first cohomology of automorphism groups of graph groups.
    Joint work with C. Martínez-Pérez
    Journal of Algebra 452 (2016). [Download PDF]

  8. Injective maps between flip graphs.
    Joint work with T. Koberda and H. Parlier.
    Annales de l'Institut Fourier 65 (2015) [Download PDF]

  9. Hyperbolic structures on surfaces and geodesic currents.
    Lecture notes from mini-course with C. Leininger, at CRM Barcelona, September 2012.
    To appear in "Algorithms and geometric topics around automorphisms of free groups", Advanced Courses CRM-Barcelona, Birkhäuser. [Download PDF]

  10. The proper geometric dimension of the mapping class group.
    Joint work with C. Martínez-Pérez
    Algebraic and Geometric Topology 14 (2014) [Download PDF]

  11. A remark on homomorphisms from right-angled Artin groups to mapping class groups
    Joint work with J. Souto
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 351 (2013). [Download PDF]

  12. Rigidity phenomena in mapping class groups.
    Joint work with J. Souto.
    In Handbook of Teichmüller Theory VI. [Download PDF].

  13. Finite rigid sets in curve complexes.
    Joint work with C. Leininger.
    Journal of Topology and Analysis, vol 5 (2013). [Download PDF].

  14. Convexity of strata in diagonal pants of surfaces.
    Joint work with C. Lecuire, H. Parlier and K. J. Shackleton.
    Publicacions Matematiques 57 (2013) [Download PDF].

  15. Hyperbolic structures on surfaces.
    (Lecture notes from the Summer School in Singapore, July 2010. See the companion notes by Chris Leininger.)
    In Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Character Varieties, World Scientific 23 (2012). [Download PDF].

  16. Homomorphisms between mapping class groups.
    Joint work with J. Souto.
    Geometry and Topology 16 (2012). [Download PDF].

  17. Holomorphic maps between moduli spaces.
    (Formerly part of the paper "Homomorphisms between mapping class groups".)
    Joint work with J. Souto.
    Preprint, December 2012. [Download PDF]

  18. Automorphisms of the graph of free splittings.
    Joint work with J. Souto.
    Michigan Math Journal, 60 (2011), vol. 3. [Download PDF].

  19. Simplicial embeddings between pants graphs.
    Geometriae Dedicata, 144 (2010), vol. 1, 115--128. [Download PDF].

  20. Injections of mapping class groups.
    Joint work with C. Leininger and J. Souto.
    Geometry and Topology. 13 (2009) 2523--2541. [Download PDF].

  21. A characterisation of quasiconformal maps using triangles.
    Joint work with P. Haïssinsky.
    Publicacions Matemàtiques, vol. 52 (2008), num. 2. [Download PDF].

  22. Constructing convex planes in the pants complex.
    Joint work with H. Parlier and K. J. Shackleton.
    Proceedings of the A.M.S. 137 (2009) 3523-3531. [Download PDF].

  23. Totally geodesic subgraphs of the pants complex.
    Joint work with H. Parlier and K. J. Shackleton.
    Math. Res. Lett. 15 (2008), no. 2, 309--320. [Download PDF].

  24. An obstruction to the strong relative hyperbolicity of a group.
    Joint work with J. W. Anderson and K. J. Shackleton.
    Journal of Group Theory, 10, vol. 6 (2007) pp-749--756. [Download PDF].

  25. Uniformly exponential growth and mapping class groups of surfaces.
    Joint work with J. W. Anderson and K. J. Shackleton.
    In the Tradition of Ahlfors-Bers IV, Contemp. Math. 432, Amer. Math. Soc. [Download PDF].

  26. Free subgroups of mapping class groups.
    Joint work with J. W. Anderson and K. J. Shackleton.
    Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 11 (2007).
    ( Corrigendum in Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 13 (2009))

  27. The Weil-Petersson geometry of the five-times punctured sphere.
    In Spaces of Kleinian groups, 219--231, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 329