Dear Reader, You will find in the associated text files ("mpdp-commandlinesR.txt", "mpdp-routinesR.txt" and "flr-routinesR.txt") the materials needed for implementing the statistical methodology detailed in the paper entitled "Most predictive design points for functional data predictors" and co-authored by Frederic Ferraty, Peter Hall, Philippe Vieu (to appear in Biometrika). The file "mpdp-routinesR.txt" contains R routines: 1) "mpdp" ==> stepwise algorithm (forward selection + backward deletion) allowing the selection of the most predicitve design points 2) "predict.mpdp" ==> allows to predict responses from an object of class "mpdp" 3) "quadratic2" ==> asymmetrical quadratic kernel The file "flr-routinesR.txt" contains R routines ("Splinemlf", "Bspline.ini", "approx.spline.deriv", "interp.spline.deriv") allowing the implementation of the alternative functional linear regression method (in order to compare with) The file "mpdp-commandlinesR.txt" contains all R commandlines allowing to implement the stepwise algorithm (i.e. selection of most predictive design points) on simulations and real datasets. How to use this material? 1) open an R session 2) follow the instructions given in the file "mpdp-commandlinesR.txt" (copy-paste the R commandlines into your R session) IMPORTANT REMARK: this is an intensive computational method; the computational labour may become very huge with large dataset (one run with chopped pork dataset - 159 curves with 100 design points - lasts about 5 minutes on a standard personal computer; one run with orange juice dataset - 149 curves with 700 design points - lasts about 30 minutes). All this material is freely downloadable from the NPFDA (NonParametric Functional Data Analysis) website "" which contains materials for implementing various nonparametric statistical methods for functional data analysis. Use for any commercial purpose is forbidden.