Dear Reader, You will find in the associated text files ("ffunopare-commandlinesR.txt" and "npfda-routinesR.txt") the materials needed for implementing the statistical methodology detailed in the paper entitled "Regression when both Response and Predictor are Functions", co-authored by Ferraty F., Van Keilegom I., Vieu, P. (J. Multivariate Analysis, 109, 10-28). The file "npfda-routinesR.txt" contains whole set of R routines dealing with NPFDA (NonParametric Functional Data Analysis) which includes the routines used in this paper ("ffunopare.knn.gcv", "ffunopare.knn" and "ffunopare.knn.single") The file "ffunopare-commandlinesR.txt" contains all R commandlines allowing to implement the functional nonparametric regression with different aims on simulations: estimation, prediction, asymptotic distribution, bootstrapped errors, pseudo-confidence area How to use this material? 1) open an R session 2) follow the instructions given in the file "ffunopare-commandlinesR.txt" (copy-paste the R commandlines into your R session) All this material is also freely downloadable from the NPFDA (NonParametric Functional Data Analysis) website "" which contains materials for implementing various nonparametric statistical methods for functional data analysis. Use for any commercial purpose is forbidden.