Dr. François Bachoc

Habilitation thesis (HDR)

I defended my habilitation thesis, "Contributions to Gaussian processes, uncertainty quantification and post-model-selection inference" on November 29, 2018, at University Paul Sabatier, before the jury composed by:

The thesis was reviewed by:

Here are the slides of the defense. Here is the pdf version of the manuscript, and here is the TEL version.

Ph.D thesis

I defended my Ph.D thesis, "Parametric estimation of covariance function in Gaussian-process based Kriging models. Application to uncertainty quantification for computer models" on October 3, 2013, at University Paris. Diderot, before the jury composed by:

The thesis was reviewed by:

Here are the slides of the defense. Here is the pdf version of the manuscript, and here is the TEL version.