WORKSHOP Asymptotic and Multiscale methods

Ile de Porquerolles, 9-15 June 2013

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Mathématiques pour l'Industrie et la Physique
Institut de Recherche MAthématique de Rennes
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Lille I

Organizing comitee

Christophe Besse
Nicolas Crouseilles
Fabrice Deluzet
Claudia Negulescu

This workshop aims to provide a forum for presentations and discussions of recent progress in mathematical and numerical analysis for the modeling and simulation of ionospheric plasmas as well as magnetically confined fusion plasmas, with special regards on Multiscale methods and Asymptotic-Preserving schemes.
It will be organized as follows: Oral presentations during the morning (four presentations per day, till approx. 15h00). Discussions and working groups during the afternoon.


The simplest way of going to the workshop (IGESA center, Porquerolles island) consists of going to Tour Fondue (on Giens peninsula), and use the boat shuttle. Departure hours: Boat shuttel
Taxi boats from La Tour Fondue to Porquerolles, can be reserved at: Bateau Taxi Pelican 24h/24h; tel. 06 09 52 31 19
It is easy to reach Tour Fondue by car. There are numerous parking place (unfortunately, you have to pay).
You can use a bus to get to Tour Fondue from Toulon-Hyeres airport or from Hyeres railway station. The line number between town center and airport is 63, the line number between town center and Tour fondue is 67. Departing hours may be found at : (click on "Horaires", then "toutes les lignes - lignes terrestres")

List of topics

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8h30-9h30 Free Franck Dimarco Rispoli Hauray
9h30-10h30 Free Vilmart Filbet Charles Pinaud
10h30-11h00 Free Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
11h00-12h00 Free Heuraux Puppo Lafitte Minjeaud
12h00-14h00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14h00-15h00 Frenod BOOST meeting PEPPSI meeting Iodissee meeting Free
15h00-16h00 Abdulle Free Free Free Free
16h00-16h30 Coffee Free Free Free Free
16h30-17h30 Lozinski Free Free Free Free
17h30-18h30 Manfredi Free Free Free Free


Assyr Abdulle: PIROCK: A swiss-knife partitioned implicit-explicit orthogonal Runge-Kutta Chebyshev integrator for stiff diffusion-advection-reaction problems with or without noise.
Didier Auroux
Christophe Besse
Frederique Charles: A non singular Vlasov equation for magnetic plasmas
Jonathan Claustre
Anais Crestetto
Fabrice Deluzet
Giacomo Dimarco: ...
Francis Filbet: Inverse Lax-Wendroff method for boundary conditions of kinetic and related models
Emmanuel Franck: Numerical issues for implicit time discretization in the jorek MHD code
Emmanuel Frenod: Sand transport in coastal ocean waters submitted to tide
Maxime Hauray: Plasma energy in the quasi-neutral limit and in the gyro-kinetic limit
Stephane Heuraux: ...
Sever Hirstoaga
Pauline Lafitte: Etude du comportement asymptotique de schemas sous-cycles (en collaboration avec Guillaume Dujardin)
Alexei Lozinski: ....
Giovanni Manfredi: Non-relativistic limits of Maxwell's equations
Sebastian Minjeaud: ....
Alexandre Mouton
Jacek Narski
Claudia Negulescu
Maurizio Ottaviani
Olivier Pinaud: Kinetic models for waves in random media and applications
Gabriella Puppo: A hybrid method for hydrodynamic-kinetic flow
Vittorio Rispoli: Asymptotic preserving automatic domain decomposition for the Vlasov-Poisson-BGK system with applications to plasmas
Gilles Vilmart: Numerical homogenization methods for multiscale nonlinear elliptic problems of nonmonotone type